The Giant of Marathon

Released on December 3, 1959: The winner of the first Olympics must save Athens and Greece from the invading forces of the mighty Persian Empire, and win the love of Athens' fairest maiden.

Directed by: Jacques Tourneur

Written by: Alberto Barsanti, Raffaello Pacini, Ennio De Concini, Augusto Frassinetti and Bruno Vailati

The Actors: Steve Reeves Phillipides, Mylene Demongeot Andromeda, Sergio Fantoni Teocrito, Alberto Lupo Milziade, Daniele Vargas Darius, King of Persia, Gianni Loti Teucro, Miranda Campa Andromeda's handmaid, Philippe Hersent Callimaco, Anita Todesco Andromeda's friend, Ivo Garrani Creuso, Daniela Rocca Karis, Sergio Ciani Euros, Franco Fantasia Senator, Carlo Lombardi unknown, Ignazio Balsamo ship's captain, Gian Paolo Rosmino unknown, Walter Grant unknown, Maria Grazia Sandri Andromeda's handmaid, Gerard Herter Hippia, Rinaldo Zamperla gladiator

Runtime: 1h 30min

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