Released on September 1, 1938: A small town show promoter fires his star singer so that she can perform on Broadway, but they both discover that they are better together than apart.

Genre: Musical

Duration: 1h 13min

Director: William L. Nolte

Actors: Ralph Cooper (Duke Davis), Lena Horne (Ethel Andrews), Laurence Criner (Doc Dorando), Monte Hawley (talent scout George Marshall), Willie Covan (specialty tap dancer), Neva Peoples (Ella), Vernon McCalla (Mason), Edward Thompson (Ferdie Fenton), Johnny Taylor (Dippy, 'Prince Alakazoo'), Ray Martin (Joe), Guernsey Morrow (Ed Lake), Charles Hawkins (stage manager Sam), Basin Street Boys (specialty act), Rubberneck Holmes (specialty act), Cats and the Fiddle (specialty act), Marie Bryant (specialty performer), Harlemania Orchestra (swing band), Everett Brown (Sheriff), Arthur Ray (druggist), Mildred Boyd (chorus girl), Dorothea Durham (dancer), Joel Fluellen (tonic customer), Louise Franklin (chorus girl - dancer), Avanelle Harris (dancer), Lillian Randolph (woman with sciatica)

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