Released on September 4, 1958: An Atomic Rocket goes awry in space and explodes in a cluster of asteroids sending them hurtling to the earth as hundreds of fiery destructive thunderbolts that will destroy the planet.
Genre: Sci-Fi
Duration: 1h 22min
Director: Paulo Heusch
Actors: Paul Hubschmid (John McLaren), Fiorella Mari (Mary McLaren), Madeleine Fischer (Katy Dandridge), Ivo Garrani (Professor Herbert Weisse), Dario Michaelis (Peter Leduq), Peter Meersman (General van Dorff), Jean-Jacques Delbo (Sergei Boetnikov), Massimo Zeppieri (Dennis McLaren), Sam Galter (Randowsky), Annie Bernal (lab assistant), Gerard Landry (Landowsky), Livio Lorenzon (British General), Giacomo Rossi-Stuart (Stuart), Gianni Solaro (French General), S. Louis Casta (doctor)
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