Released on December 13, 1926: A young man must marry on board the Jasper B on his twenty fifth birthday like his lusty pirate ancestor did many years ago or lose the family fortune in this chick-flick comedy produced by Cecil B. DeMille.
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 1h
Director: James W. Horne
Actors: Rod La Rocque (Jerry Cleggett), Mildred Harris Chaplin (Agatha Fairhaven), Snitz Edwards (Reginald Maltravers), Jack Ackroyd (Wiggins), Otto Lederer (the auctioneer), James T. Mack (assistant auctioneer), Billy Engle (little mover), Charlie Hall (mover), Fred Kelsey (bailiff), Tiny Sandford (the large mover), Philip Sleeman (mail truck robber).
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