Released on May 8, 1942: Prepare to shudder when you see the strange practices of a doctor who sacrificed beautiful women for the sake of a mad love!

Genre: Horror

Duration: 1h 4min

Director: Wallace Fox

Actors: Bela Lugosi (Dr. George Lorenz), Luana Walters (Patricia Hunter, newspaper reporter), Tristram Coffin (Dr. Foster), Elizabeth Russell (Countess Lorenz), Minerva Urecal (Fagah), Angelo Rossitto (Toby), Joan Barclay (Alice Wentworth), Kenneth Harlan (newspaper editor Keenan), Gwen Kenyon (Peggy Woods), Vince Barnett (Sandy, newspaper photographer), Frank Moran (Angel, Fagah's son), George Eldredge (Mike), Pat Costello (attendant and Alice's wedding), Sam Katsman (man in newspaper office), Gladys Faye (Mrs. Wentworth), Sheldon Jett (Burnside, police radio dispatcher), Eddie Kane (District Attorney), Murdock MacQuarrie (the fake minister), Frank O'Connor (policeman)

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