Released on March 31, 1945: Paul has a recurring dream about the death of his father and a homicidal maniac that woos and wins his mother, and the dream is now coming true.
Genre: Crime
Duration: 1h 27min
Director: Edward G. Ulmer
Actors: Jimmy Lydon (Paul Cartwright), Warren William (Brett Curtis), Sally Eilers (Virginia Cartwright, Paul's mother), Regis Toomey (Dr. Vincent), Charles Arnt (Professor Muhlbach), George Reed (Benjamin), Jayne Hazard (Dorothy Cartwright, Paul's sister), Jimmy Clark (George), Mary McLeod (Lydia), Pierre Watkin (Armstrong), Sonia Sorel (Charlotte Farber, Muhlbach's nurse), Victor Potel (Mac, the game warden), George Sherwood (Langdon), Gene Roth (Sparky), John Hamilton (Bill Allen, banker), Edmund Cobb (police driver), Theresa Harris (the maid), Charles Wagenheim (Tom, Armstrong's assistant
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