Released on June 21, 1935: The Prouty family has a hard time making ends meet when their famous author father dies, and when a young man who wants to buy their house arrives, everything goes more crazy than usual.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 6min

Director: Frank R. Strayer

Actors: Lois Wilson (Portia Prouty), Lloyd Hughes (Graham Smith), Hedda Hopper (Mrs. Vandergriff), Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams (Edgar Prouty), Grant Withers (Ronald Dawson, lawyer), Marion Shilling (Victoria Vandergriff), George Irving (Mr. Vandergriff), Sheila Terry (Lucretia 'Lucy' Prouty), Maidel Turner (Mrs. Prouty), Lois January (Juliette 'Julie' Prouty), Erville Alderson (Uncle Andy), Kathryn Sheldon (Minnie the housekeeper), Reginald Sheffield (Lord Michael Renfrew), Shirley Hill (Marjorie Vandergriff), Lew Kelly (Hanly), Anthony Marsh (Allan Prouty), Richard Hemingway (Bob Miller, Lucy's boyfriend), Robert McKenzie (bill collector), Edward Peil Sr. (Booker)

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