Released on September 24, 1937: Small town fellow Henry Armstrong finds a thousand dollars that nobody claims, but will it change his life for the better or worse?

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 3min

Director: Glenn Tryon

Actors: Stuart Erwin (Henry Armstrong), Joyce Compton (Molly Summers), Jed Prouty (Otis Armstrong), Clara Blandick (Mrs. Armstrong), Dorothy Appleby (Sandra French), James Blakeley (Eddie Armstrong), Clarence Wilson (Curtis French), John T. Murray (C. Lafferty), Lew Kelly (the judge), Victor Potel (Abner Towner), Erville Alderson (Mr. Trindle), William Ruhl (waiter), George Chandler (Bill Clipper, car salesman), Henry Roquemore (Ted Fritter), George Cleveland (police station man), Larry Harris (unknown), Eddie Kane (nightclub owner Tony), Eva McKenzie (woman with horse), Eddy Waller (Sloane, newspaper clerk)

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