Released on November 25, 1938: Tim McCoy is Captain William 'Lightning Bill' Carson, who pretends to be a Chinese jewel buyer to catch cowboy jewel thieves.

Genre: Action

Duration: 59min

Director: Sam Newfield

Actors: Tim McCoy (Captain William 'Lightning Bill' Carson), Nora Lane (Midge), Ben Corbett (Magpie), Stephen Chase (Jim Wilson), Ted Adams (Spokesman), Donald Gallaher (henchman Tracy), Bob Terry (henchman Mac), Karl Hackett (Joe Willis), Frank Wayne (messenge), Hal Carey (saloon singer), Jimmy Aubrey (barfly), Barney Beasley (barfly), Rube Dalroy (barfly), Earl Dwire (henchman), Oscar Gahan (barfly), Herman Hack (deputy), Jack Hendricks (gang leader), Jack 'Tiny' Lipson (Gus, waiter), Clyde McClary (barfly), Buck Morgan (henchman), George Morrell (deputy and barfly), Artie Ortego (bafly), Lew Porter (piano player), James Sheridan (henchman), Wally West (barfly)

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