Released on October 1, 1934: A new girl in town competes with a wealthy local girl to get the attention of Bill, so she dates the wealthy girl's brother to get even, and it leads to blackmail, murder and deceit.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 5min

Director: Ralph Ceder

Actors: Buster Crabbe (Bill Cutler), Isabel Jewell (Sally Bates), Sally Blane (Clara Berry), Regis Toomey (Jack Berry, Clara's brother), Maidel Turner (Mrs. Cutler, Bill's mother), Fuzzy Knight (Wally), Arthur-Stone (Pop, gas station attendant), Edward Gargan (Higgins), Huntley Gordon (attorney), Wallis Clark (District Attorney), Kenneth Howell (announcer), Eddie Fetherston (hold-up man), Max Wagner (hold-up man)

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