Released on November 29, 1947: Outlaws discover gold on the Jarvis ranch and kill the owner, hoping that the young daughter will sell the ranch cheap.

Genre: Western

Duration: 59min

Director: Ray Taylor

Actors: Eddie Dean (Eddie Dean), Roscoe Ates (Soapy Jones), Jennifer Holt (Mary Ann Jarvis), George Chesebro (Ben Gunnison, lawyer), Eddie Parker (Barney Foster), Lee Morgan (Sheriff), Lane Bradford (ranch hand Bob), Carl Mathews (henchman), Budd Buster (Judd Grimes, miner), Andy Parker (guitar player Andy), The Plainsmen (ranch hands, musicians), George Bamby (concertinist, member of The Plainsmen), Charlie Morgan (guitar player, member of The Plainsmen), Earl Murphey (steel guitar player, member of The Plainsmen), Paul 'Clem' Smith (jug player, member of The Plainsmen), Forrest Taylor (Pop Jarvis), Wally West (henchman), Bob Woodward (Uncle Walt Jarvis)

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