Released September 30, 1936: Gene Autry is a Texas Ranger that works undercover to prevent a band of Commanches from robbing an Army transport.

Genre: Western

Duration: 1h 3min

Director: Joseph Kane

Actors: Gene Autry (Texas Ranger Gene Autry), Smiley Burnette (Frog Millhouse), Kay Hughes (Dixie Summeral), Monte Blue (Duval), George J. Lewis (Lieutenant Bob Cameron), Max Terhune (Rufe Jones), Robert Homans (Colonel Summeral), Lloyd Whitlock (Major Crosby), Chief Thundercloud (Little Wolf), The Tennessee Ramblers (Ranger Musicians), W.J. Blair (member of the Tennessee Ramblers), Jack Cheatham (the jailer), Sonny Chorre (Comanche warrior), Iron Eyes Cody (Comanche war party leader), Dick Hartman (member of the Tennessee Ramblers), I. Stanford Jolley (settler), Frankie Marvin (short ranger with a broad nose), Nelson McDowell (Proctor), Happy Morris (member of the Tennessee Ramblers), Tex Phelps (man at the fort), Bud Pope (settler), Arthur Singley (soldier), Shooting Star (Comanche warrior), Robert Thomas (soldier), Elmer Warren (member of the Tennesse Ramblers), Greg Whitespear (Crazy Crow), Pappy Wolf (member of the Tennessee Ramblers)

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