

Released on February 21, 1947: A little blonde lady fights the big bully in town for control of the range for her cattle.

Genre: Romance

Director: Andre De Toth

Actors: Veronica Lake (Connie Dickason), Joel McCrea (Dave Nash, Connie's ramrod), Don DeFore (Bill Schell), Donald Crisp (Sheriff Jim Crew), Preston Foster (Artemus Taylor), Arleen Whelan (Rose Leland), Charles Ruggles (Ben Dickason), Lloyd Bridges (Red Cates), Nestor Paiva (Curley, Circle 66 ranch hand), Ray Teal (Ed Burma, Ivey's ramrod), Houseley Stevenson (George Smedley), Ward Wood (Link Thoms), Ian MacDonald (Walt Shipley), Wally Cassell (Virg Lea), Sarah Padden (Mrs. Parks), Hal Taliaferro (Jess Moore, Ivey ranch hand), Jeff Corey (Bice), Victor Potel (Burch Nellice), Trevor Bardette (Bailey, Circle 66 ranch hand), Bob Burns (barfly), Rose Higgins (Annie, Connie's maid), Jack Kenny (barfly), Lew Morphy (barfly), Cliff Parkinson (Tom Peebles, Circle 66 cowhand), John Powers (Pokey), Mike Ragan (Ivey ranch hand), Arthur Thalasso (barfly), Jack Tornek (barfly), Jack Woody (Bob, Ivey ranch hand), Chick York (Doctor Parks)

Runtime: 1h 34min

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