Released on November 15, 1936: Frankie Darro buys a lame horse for $4.85 and trains it to become a winning race horse, but a gangster uses Frankie to frame his jockey brother and Frankie must capture the criminals.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 15min

Director: Victor Halperin

Actors: Frankie Darro (Frankie Reynolds), Kane Richmond (Clay Harrison), Gladys Blake (Phyllis Reynolds), Arthur Housman (Legs), James Eagles (Smokey Reynolds), Matthew Betz (Tex O'Donnell), Si Wills (Dopey), Fred 'Snowflake' Toones (Sad Sam), Bob Tansill (Magnus), The Jones Quintette (singers), Henry Hall (track steward), Lloyd Ingraham (restaurant customer).

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