Phantom From Space
Released on May 15, 1953: There is an alien in Santa Monica . . . a visitor from outer space with terrible powers who is killing earthlings.
Directed by: W. Lee Wilder
Written by: William Raynor and Myles Wilder.
The Actors: Ted Cooper Hazen, Tom Daly Charlie, Steve Acton operator, Burt Wenland Joe, Lela Nelson Betty Evans, Harry Landers Lieutenant Bowers, Bert Arnold Darrow, Sandy Sanders policeman, Harry Strang neighbor George Nelson, Jim Bannon Police Sergeant Jim, Jack Daly Joe Wakeman, Michael Mark watchman, Rudolph Anders Doctor Wyatt, James Seay Major Andrews, Noreen Nash Barbara Randall, Stephen Clark Bill Randall, Dick Sands the Phantom.
Runtime: 1h 13min
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