Released on November 18, 1940: Detective Jimmy Wong is at it again, solving a murder involving the theft of an ancient Chinese scroll.

Genre: Action

Duration: 1h 2min

Director: Phil Rosen

Actors: Keye Luke (Mr. Wong - James Lee 'Jimmy' Wong), Grant Withers (Police Captain Sam Street), Lotus Long (Win Len, Benton's secretary), Charles Miller (Dr. John Benton), Huntley Gordon (Dr. Norman Wilkes), Virginia Carpenter (Louise Benton), John Dilson (Charlie Frasier, photographer), Paul McVey (Detective Grady), John Holland (co-pilot Mason), Richard Terry (Toreno), Robert Kellard (pilot Tommy Dean), Willy Castello (Jonas, Benton's butler), Lee Tung Foo (Foo, Jimmy's cook), Lynton Brent (radio news broadcaster), Jack Cheatham (cop on the stakeout), Heinie Conklin (detective in refrigerator), William Gould (policeman), Bruce Mitchell (police officer at the front door), William J. O'Brien (extra in audience at the lecture), Victor Wong (Charley Won)

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