Released on October 29, 1939: When a local barber finds a pile of money sitting in an empty room with no one around he thinks he has hit a bit of luck . . . and he has . . . but will it be good luck?

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 16min

Director: Brian Desmond Hurst

Actors: Ralph Richardson (Will Koblin), Diana Wynyard (Kit Kobling), Romney Brent (Jimsey Jones), Mary Clare (Lizzie Crane), Henry Oscar (shopkeeper Pilleger), Dave Cowley (Jim Smith), Gertrude Musgrove (Dora Smith), Frederick Leister (Inspector), Ivan Brandt (Detective Wilson), Sara Allgood (charwoman Bridget), Glynis Johns (Mary Carr), Mae Bacon (unknown), Joe Cunningham (unknown), Irene Handl (neighbor), Phyllis Morris (unknown), Joe Mott (unknown), Maire O'Neill (neighbor), Teddy Smith (unknown), Madge Brindley (neighbor), Amy Dalby (hospital nurse), Vi Kaley (neighbor), Harry Terry (street orator), Ben Williams (man getting shaved)

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