Released on December 15, 1932: Tom and Sandy are best friends and motorcycle policemen. When Sandy gets killed by a gangster, and the corrupt justice system lets him go, Tom vows revenge on the death of his buddy.

Genre: Crime

Duration: 1h 2min

Director: George Melford

Actors: Monte Blue (Tom Burke), Lila Lee (Doris Dane), Charles Delaney (Sandy Malone), Robert Ellis (Jack Blake), Francis Rich (Joan Thorpe), Joseph W. Girard (Chief of Police Kramer), Seena Owen (Trixi Du Bray), Mickey Rooney (Buddy Malone), Jackie Searl (Sammy), Lloyd Ingraham (Judge Dane), Florence Roberts (Granny), George Humbert (fruit vendor), Dot Meyberg (Dolores), Charles O'Malley (Pete Billings), Allan Cavan (Police Captain Reed), Edward Cooper (Rogers, the Dane butler), Kit Guard (oil truck driver).

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