Released on January 25, 1944: A man on safari in Africa discovers a woman raised by a giant gorilla who guards a great fortune in stolen jewels and money.

Genre: Adventure

Duration: 1h 15min

Director: Sam Newfield

Actors: Buster Crabbe (Ray Gorman), Julie London (Doreen Stockwell), Barton MacLane (Carl Hurst), Fifi D'Orsay (Marie), Bryant Washburn (white hunter), Herbert Rawlinson (T.F. Stockwell), Prince Modupe (Tobo), Jackie Newfield (Doreen Stockwell as a child), Ray Corrigan (Samson the gorilla), Jack Gardner (airplane pilot), I. Stanford Jolley (policeman in opening scene), Edmund Mortimer (trader), Fred 'Snowflake' Toones (native porter attacking Tobo)

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