Released on January 16, 1946: Andy returns from WWII wanting to propose to his college sweetheart, but she not only dumps him, but she asks him to be the Best Man at her wedding.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 33min

Director: Willis Goldbeck

Actors: Mickey Rooney (Lewis Stone (Judge James Hardy), Sara Haden (Aunt Milly Forrest), Bonita Granvville (Kay Wilson), Lina Roma (Miss Isobel Gonzalez), Fay Holden ('Mom' Emily Hardy), Dorothy Ford (Coffy Smith), Hal Hackett (Duke Johnson), Dick Simmons (Dane Kittridge), Clinton Sundberg (Haberdashery Clerk), Geraldine Wall (Miss Hattie Geeves), Addison Richards (Mr. George Benedict), Richard Abbott (telegraph employee) Bob Alden (Jimmy the messenger boy), Jack Baker (dancer), Eddy Chandler (expressman), Boyd Davis (country club desk clerk), Dolores Dey (college coed), Eddie Dunn (Police Sergeant)

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