Released on December 19, 1941: A young girl running a lumber operation must discover who the scoundrel is that will kill to keep her from filling a company-saving lumber order.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 4min

Director: Bernard B. Ray

Actors: Marjorie Reynolds (Perry Lorimer), Monte Blue (Hodge Mason), J. Farrell MacDonald (Adams), Sven Hugo Borg (Olaf), Hal Brazeale (John Gordon), Earl Eby (Frank Barnes), George Humbert (Eric Smith, cook), Milburn Morante (Abe Cain), Betty Roadman (Ma Cain), Eddie Phillips (Sam Cain), Jack Holmes (Harry Lorimer), Victor Adamson (lumberjack), Jack Cheatham (lumberjack), John Elliott (Sheriff), Joe Garcio (lumberjack), Merrill McCormick (lumberjack), Charles McMurphy (lumberjack), Art Mix (lumberjack), Jerry Sheldon (lumberjack), Rudy Sooter (lumberjack)

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