Released on January 18, 1940: A heartwarming story about a young farm boy from a big family who falls in love with the daughter of an upper crust British family that moved nearby, but they will have nothing to do with farm hicks like Laddie.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 10min

Director: Jack Hively

Actors: Tim Holt (Laddie Stanton), Virginia Gilmore (Pamela Pryor), Joan Carroll (Sister Stanton), Spring Byington (Mrs. Stanton), Robert Barrat (Mr. John Stanton), Miles Mander (Mr. Charles Pryor), Esther Dale (Sarah the housekeeper), Sammy McKim (Leon Stanton), Joan Leslie (Shelly Stanton), Martha O'Driscoll (Sally Stanton), Rand Brooks (Peter Dover, Mary Forbes (Mrs. Anna Pryor), Peter Cushing (Robert Pryor), Joseph E. Bernard (Tom Crispin), Harry Humphrey (the minister), George Irving (Doctor Barnes), Dorothy Lee (Louise), Paul Maxey (Mr. Wilson)

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