Released on July 1, 1955: A wagon full of new Kentucky Rifles must get past a band of Indians who want the rifles and their lives.
Genre: Western
Duration: 1h 24min
Director: Carl K. Hittleman
Actors: Chill Wills (Tobias Taylor), Lance Fuller (Jason Clay), Cathy Downs (Amy Connors), Sterling Holloway (Lon Settler), Henry Hull (Preacher Bently), Jeanne Cagney (Cordie Hay), Jess Barker (Daniel Foster), John Pickard (Ruben Hay), John Alvin (Luke Thomas), I. Stanford Jolley (Jed Williams), Rory Mallinson (Indian Chief), George Keymas (interpreter), Clyde Houck (Clyde Thomas), Alice Ralph (Mrs. Thomas)
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