Released on April 5, 1940: Young schoolteacher Anne decides to dress sexy and sample the life of a party girl.

Genre: Adventure

Duration: 59min

Director: Al Christie

Actors: Heather Angel (Anne Gladden), John 'Dusty' King (Larry Cameron), Constance Collier (Mrs. Jefferson Breckenridge), Walter Catlett (turnpike gas station attendant), Tom Dugan (Red Egan, henchman), Robert Elliott (Police Officer Kelly), Clem Bevans (Snuffy), Emma Dunn (Granny Gladden), Henry Brandon (Handsome, Red's sidekick), William B. Davidson (Slick Kopesco, gangster boss), Fern Emmett (Margaret Reed, school teacher), Sonny Bupp (Willy, school boy), Wilbur Mack (Chauffeur Mason), Joe Devlin (Steve, a Kopesco hanchman), Richard Cramer (Mugg), Eddie Hall (man in Country Club dining room), Fred Kohler Jr. (garage owner), Antonia Oland (Sally), Jason Robards Sr. (country club garage man)

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