Go For Broke

Released September 22, 1951: The true story of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team was created in 1943 by special Presidential order, composed entirely of Japanese-Americans that wanted to fight for America during WWII.

Directed by: Robert Pirosh

Written by: Robert Pirosh.

The Actors: Van Johnson Lieutenant Michael Grayson, Lane Nakano Sam, George Miki Chick, Akira Fukunaga Frank, Ken K. Okamoto Kaz, Henry Oyasato Sergeant Takashi Ohhara, Harry Hamada Masami, Henry Nakamura Tommy, Warner Anderson Colonel Charles W. Pence, Don Haggerty Sergeant Wilson I. Culley, Gianna Maria Canale Rosina, Dan Riss Captain Solari, Richard Anderson Lieutenant, Danny Aredas Masami's buddy, John Banner German officer, Hugh Beaumont the chaplain, Robert Boon German soldier, Mack Chandler Texas soldier, Monique Chantal French girl, Tony Christian German prisoner, Mark W. Clark himself, the postscript narrator, Ann Codee pianist, Albert D'Arno German soldier, Rene de Loffre French boy, Josette Deegan French girl, Edward Earle the General at the dress parade, Jerry Fujikawa communications Sergeant, Jack George the French Priest, Eugene Gericke Texas soldier, Henry Guttman German officer, Claude Guy French boy, Joe Haworth Texas soldier, Gladys Holland French girl, Ray Hyke Military Policeman, Toru Lura interpreter, Frank Iwanaga soldier, Tennessee Jim Texas soldier, Jeanne Lafayette French girl, Michele Lange French bar girl, Freeman Lusk General at the dress parade, Harris Matsushige soldier, Louis Mercier French farmer, Richard Monda Italian boy, Roger Moore Major, Ernesto Morelli Italian husband, Rollin Moriyama Nisei, Tsutomu Paul Nakamura Sergeant Major, George Offerman Jr. Texas soldier, Frank Okada Platoon leader, Robert Otoi soldier,Walter Reed Captain, John R. Reilly Texan, Carmela Restivo Italian woman, Ned Roberts German soldier, Mario Siletti Italian farmer, Robert Spencer American officer, George Tanaguchi Ohhara's brother, Paul Togawa soldier, Harry S. Truman himself, postscript voice at end, Frank Wilcox Headquarters General, Larry Winter German soldier, William Yetter Sr. German soldier.

Runtime: 1h 32min

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