Released on April 15, 1938: The wife of a trucking company owner is on the run from police after hijackings and murders happen to her husband's competition, and her husband is nailed for the crimes, with her as an accessory.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 58min

Director: William Nigh

Actors: Evelyn Venable (Peggy Mallory, aka Ann Williams), Craig Reynolds (Jim Mallory), Reed Hadley (Bruce Dunning), John Kelly (Red, Dunning's chauffeur), John Merton (henchman Mort), Ray Bennett (henchman Burke), Emmett Vogan (Investigator Steve Roberts), Lee Phelps (Investogator Steve Roberts), Sam Flint (Edward J. Howard), Martha Tibbetts (Claire Bannister), Charlotte Treadway (Mrs. Bannister), Reginald Sheffield (Dr. Richardson), Fern Emmett (the cook who quits), Claire Rochelle (unknown), Lynton Brent (the medic).

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