Released on October 1, 1936: During WWI a Canadian soldier escapes from a prison camp near Berlin and falls in love with a Bavarian Blonde prostitue who tries to help him escape from Germany.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 16min

Director: Milton Rosmer

Actors: Constance Bennett (Anna von Stucknadel), Douglass Montgomery (Hugh McGrath), Oskar Homolka (Detective Schenck Gtz), Roy Emerton (prison guard Kostner), Frederick Lloyd (Muller), Peggy Simpson (Mitzi), George Merritt (Max Webber), Robert Atkins (Adjutant), Terence Downing (Spicer), Clifford Bartlett (Glendhill), Albert Chevalier (McKenzie), H.F. Maltby (burgomaster Maximillian Shultz), Norman Pierce (Hans), Frederick Piper (policeman Denker), Virginia Isham (war widow), Diana de Vaux (unknown), Victor Fairley (unknown), George Hayes (unknown), Mervyn Johns (waiter Karl), Skelton Knaggs (young man with lantern), Charles Maunsell (unknown), Bernard Miles (British officer)

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