Released on March 20, 1968: Aliens from outer space want to conquor the earth in this Japanese Sci-Fi thriller, and only the giant monster flying turtle called Gamela can save us.
Genre: Action
Duration: 1h 15min
Director: Noriaki Yuasa
Actors: Kjir Hong (Scout Master Mr. Shimida), Kjir Hong (Masao Nakaya), Carl Craig (Jim Crane), Peter Williams (Dr. Dobie), Carl Clay (Carl Crane), Michiko Yaegaki (girl scout), Mari Atsumi (Junko Aoki), Junko Yashiro (Masako Shibata), Kji Fujiyama (Commander of Jietat), Genz Wakayama (voice of Boss), Chikara Hashimoto (the General), Kenichiro Yamane (Mr. Shibata), Kenji Go (Commander at the dam), Akira Natsuki (soldier), Ken Nakahara (soldier), Mary Morris (Mrs. Crane), Yoshir Kitahara (alien), Kei'ichi Noda (alien), Teruo Aragaki (Gamera).
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