Released on January 1, 1952: A young doctor moves to a small British village to help the village doctor and quickly gets involved with a curious murder that only he can solve.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1h 31min
Director: Charles Saunders
Actors: Patrick Barr (Doctor Robert Welling), Jane Baxter (Mary Baxter), Julie Somers (Judy Wellling), Raymond Young (Doctor. Chris Boswell), Jean Lodge (nurse Ann Marlow), Russell Waters (banker Walter Grannage), Russell Napier (Superintendant Walshaw), Katie Johnson (Sarah Oddy), June Bardsley (nurse), David Stoll (plain clothes man), Duggie Ascot (taxi driver), Robert Brown (Jim Pollard), John Kelly (PC Janes), James Mills (Mr. Howard), Hal Osmond (railway porter), Frank Tickle (Sam Oddy)
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