Released on March 2, 1946: Two best friends who are ace airplane pilots may be forced to fight each other when the War to End Wars begins.
Genre: Action
Duration: 1h 11min
Director: David Howard
Actors: Ben Lyon (Bob Wilson), Sari Maritza (Alida Hoffman), Erich von Stroheim (Captain Wolters), James Bush (Fred von Bergen), William Bakewell (Adolph), Hardie Albright (Hugo), Herman Bing (Himmelbaum), Bodil Rosing (Mama von Bergen), Vince Barnett (the courier), Arthur Clayton (Baron von Eisenlohr), Oscar Apfel (John Fleming), Purnell Pratt (Franklyn Pierce), Jason Robards Sr. (Pierre), Wilhelm von Brincken (Von Gering), Brandon Hurst (English Officer), Crauford Kent (English Officer), Jameson Thomas (English Officer), Eric Arnold (Von Muller), Harry Schultz (drill sergeant), Frederick Vogeding (German Colonel)
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