Released on June 5, 1962: A French architect in Rio de Janeiro searches for the killer of his cheating wife with the help of his secretary and his mistress.

Genre: Crime

Duration: 1h 23min

Director: George Cahan

Actors: Jean-Pierre Aumont (Mike Voray), Alix Talton (Lynn Voray), Tonia Carrero (Marina Silvera), Luis Davila (Ray Donato, pianist), Alberto Dalbes (photographer), Nathan Pinzon (Police Inspector), Jardel Filho (Paulo), Norma Bengell (model), Norma Blum (secretary), Alicia Bonet (prostitute), Laura Suarez (unknown), Paulo Monte (unknown), Joao Goulart (unknown), Agildo Ribeiro (unknown), Francisco Dantas (unknown), Sadi Cabral (unknown), Noelia Noel (unknown), Luiz Bonfa (unknown), Billy Davis (unknown), Oscar Uboldi (unknown), Angel Zavalia (unknown)

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