Released on March 25, 1936: When a wealthy heiress discovers the terrible family secret that has been hidden from her since birth, her world is turned upside down.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 4min

Director: Phil Rosen

Actors: Joan Marsh (Madge Allison), Ray Walker (Garry Dane), Inez Courtney (Sally Patrick), Hugh Marlowe (Dick Taylor), Doris Lloyd (Mrs. Madeleine Allison), Ann Codee (Yvette Duval), Olive Tell (Mrs. Jane Taylor), Holmes Herbert (Mr. Rodney Allison), Robert Adair (Thorne the butler), Barbara Bradford (Brenda), Dick Elliott (newspaper editor), Herbert Ashley (Ship's Captain), Kathryn Sheldon (Ellen the maid), Victor Wong (Wong), George Cleveland (bartender), Lynton Brent (Blaine), Lester Dorr (art critic), Jack Kirk (sailor), Clyde McClary (sailor)

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