Released June 5, 1935: Sharp shooting bronc busting rodeo champion Muley Kid helps Sally Griswold when an outlaw takes over the Griswald ranch.
Genre: Western
Duration: 56min
Director: Ray Heinz
Actors: Reb Russell (Peeler Benson, the Muley Kid), Mary Jane Carey (Sally Griswald), Kenneth MacDonald (Flash Purdue), Clarence Geldart (Sam Griswold), Pat Harmon (Tex Pryor), Norman Fusier (old man Benson), Ben Corbett (Bud Benson), Marty Joyce (Young Benson), Slim Whitaker (posse leader), June Bupp (June Griswold), Silver Tip Baker (rancher), Hank Bell (the Sheriff), Rex Bell (announced rodeo guest star), Bartlett A. Carre (rancher), Montie Montana (trick rider), Bill Patton (John 'Jack' Preston), Bud Pope (henchman Red), Glenn Strange (cowhand), Mabel Strickland (rodeo performer)
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