Released on July 4, 1937: Two young hoodlums hide from the law in a C.C.C. Camp, and discover that being mean is different from being strong.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1h 5min
Director: Aubrey Scotto
Actors: Frank Coghlan Jr. (Tommy McGrath), Edward Arnold Jr. (Percival Throckmorton 'Fats' Moody), Florine McKinney (Joan Martin), Irene Franklin (Fleurette), Guy Bates Post (Reginald Burley), Milburn Stone (Deputy Joe Waters), Addison Randall (Arthur Forsythe), Dick Hogan (Mike Farrell), Herbert Corthell (Sheriff Martin), Mary Hayes (sales clerk), Frank Bischell (unknown), Cliff Carpenter (unknown), Al Taylor (the crazy cracker), Bobby Barber (unknown), Harry Harvey (Sharpie in pool hall), William Lemuels (unknown), Warren McCollum (unknown), Dennis O'Keefe (club manager), Nestor Paiva (CCC Captain), Anthony Pawley (unknown), Robert Ross (unknown), William Wright (CCC boy).
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