
Released on May 30, 1962: The story of three boys who join the Army Airborne in 1962 and try to survive jump school at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Directed by: James Landis

Written by: James Landis

The Actors: Bobby Diamond Private Eddie 'Country' Slocum, Robert Christian Private 'Rocky' Laymon, Mikel Angel Private 'Mouse' Talliaferro, Bill Hale Sergeant Benner, Whitey Hughes Sergeant White, James Maydock Private Barnowski, George Marlowe Private Erski, Barbara Markham Bertha, Keith Babcock Private Gordblitz, Jesse A. Black SFC Jesse A. Black, Ulia Cole Sergeant Ulia Cole, Jerry Coltrane Sergeant Arthur Correy, Arthur Correy Sergeant Arthur Correy, William Delany Sergeant William Delany, Lawrence Espy Sergeant Lawrence Espy, Robert Glover Sergeant Robert Glover, Jeffie Greene Sergeant Jeffie Green, Phillip Jarrel Sergeant Phillip Jarrel, Clarence Kellberg Sergeant Clarence Kellberg, Bobby Mankins Sergeant Bobby Mankins, Robert May Sergeant Robert May, Robert W. Todd instructor PSG Robert W. Todd, Johnnie Smotherman instructor PSG Johnnie Smotherman, Ralph Cotner instructor SFC Ralph Cotner, Ernest Hunter instructor SFC Ernest Hunter, Carl C. Allgood instructor SFC Carl C. Alligood, Joseph Roach instructor SFC Joseph Roach, Carolyn Byrd Jenny May

Runtime: 1h 20min

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