Featuring Gerald A. Sharp
This DVD teaches three Hsing-I Standing Meditations (Zhanzhuang): the Infinity Posture, Listening to the Sea, and the Bear Posture for developing energy, power and health; Hsing-I Push Hands for developing sensitivity, power and root; and useful self-defense applications and forms training. 1992. 60 min. Digitally mastered from the original videocassette.
This five volume series will take you through the Basic Training of Hands and Stances; the Five Fists of Splitting, Drilling, Bursting, Pounding and Crossing; Transformation of the Five Fists, Linking of the Single Fists, and a Hsing-I Animals Power Form; as well as Hsing-I's Push Hands, Hsing-I Meditation for Health and Power, and Hsing-I's Twelve Animals: Dragon, Tiger, Monkey, Horse, Alligator, Fighting Chicken, Falcon, Swallow, Snake, Ta'i (Ostrich), and the Combined Eagle/Bear.
Hsing-I Chuan is an internal martial arts system used to improve health, power and strength. This Five Fists, 12 Animals system was popularized by Jiang Rong Qiao who was a student of both Zhang Zao Dong and Li Cun Yi. Sharp studied the system with Zou Shuxian and also with internal arts Master Cheng Jie Feng.