The Siege of Sidney Street

Released on October 11, 1960:

Directed by: Monty Berman

Written by: Jimmy Sangster and Alexander Baron

The Actors: Donald Sinden Inspector John Mannering, Nicole Berger Sara Traschonski, Kieron Moore Toska, Peter Wyngarde Peter the painter, Peter Piatkow, Godfrey Quigley Scotland Yard Superintendent Blakey, Tutte Lemkow Dmitrieff, Bart Bastable Sergeant Tucker, George Pastell Nicholas Brodsky, Angela Newman Nina, T.P. McKenna Lapidos, Maurice Good Karl Gardstein, James Caffrey Hefeld, Harold Goldblatt Hersh, Christopher Casson Police Commissioner, Harry Brogan old Alex, Alan Simpson uniformed Police Inspector, Robert Lepler Isaacs the jeweler, Margaret D'Arcy nurse, Joe Lynch Sergeant Todd, Stanley Illsley doctor in Peter's room, Ann Sharp woman on estate, Paul Farrell barman in pub, Bill Foley first interrogation detective, Aiden Grennell second interrogation detective, Leonard Sachs Svaars, Jimmy Sangster Sir Winston Churchill, Gerry Sullivan army officer

Runtime: 1h 33m

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