The Loudspeaker
Released on June 1, 1934: The life of the party comic from small town Burlap, Pennsylvania becomes a radio star in New York City, but his giant ego keeps the girl of his dreams away.
Directed by: Joseph Santley
Written by: Ralph Spence and Albert DeMond.
The Actors: Ray Walker Joe Miller, Julie Bishop Janet Melrose, Charley Grapewin Pop Calloway, Noel Francis Dolly, Lorin Raker George Green, Spencer Charters Burroughs, Larry Wheat Thomas, Mary Carr Grandma, Ruth Romaine Amy Witherspoon, Billy Irvine Caleb Hawkins, Eddie Kane unknown, Wilbur Mack Walker, Sherwood Bailey Ignatz, The Brownies Trio vocal ensemble, Martha Boswell herself, Lynton Brent radio assistand, Leonard Carey unknown, Mary Gordon landlady, Frank O'Connor plainclothesman, Jack Raymond plainclothesman, Billie Van Every tough blonde.
Runtime: 1h 7m
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