Johnny Come Lateley
Released on September 3, 1943: James Cagney is a tramp turned newspaper reporter who fights a corrupt town boss with his fists, his gun, his wit and the help of an old lady and her decrepit newspaper.
Directed by: William K. Howard
Written by: Louis Bromfield with screenplay by John Van Druten
The Actors: James Cagney Tom Richards, Grace George Vinnie McLeod, Marjorie Main Gashouse Mary McGovern, owner of the El Dorado saloon, Marjorie Lord Jane, Hattie McDaniel Aida the maid, Edward McNamara W.M, Doughterty, William Henry Pete Doughterty, Robert Barrat Bill Swain, George Cleveland Willie Ferguson, Margaret Hamilton Myrtle Ferguson, Norman Willis Dudley Hirsh, Lucien Littlefield Blaker, Edwin Stanley Winterbottom, Irving Bacon Chief of Police, Tom Dugan first cop, Charles Irwin second cop, John Sheehan third cop, Clarence Muse butler, John 'Skins' Miller first tramp, Arthur Hunnicutt second tramp, Victor Kilian tramp in box car, William 'Wee Willie' Davis Jake the bouncer, Alec Craig court bailiff, Joseph Crehan Judge Flynn, Frank Darien vagrant, Henry Hall old timer, William Newell vagrant
Runtime: 1h 37m
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