In Old Mexico
Released on September 9, 1938: Hopalong Cassidy is lured to Mexico by an escaped prisoner who wants to kill him as revenge for putting him in prison.
Directed by: Edward D. Venturini
Written by: Harrison Jacobs from characters created by Clarence E. Mulford
The Actors: William Boyd Hopalong Cassidy, George 'Gabby' Hayes Windy Halliday, Russell Hayden Lucky Jenkins, Paul Sutton The Fox, Al Ernest Garcia Don Carlos Gonzalez, Jan Clayton Anita Gonzalez, Trevor Bardette Colonel Gonzalez, Betty Amann Janet Leeds, Anna Demetrio Elena, Glenn Strange Burke, Tony Roux Pancho, Fred Burns henchman, Cliff Parkinson henchman
Runtime: 1h 7m
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