Hey Hey, U.S.A.
Released October, 1938: Another comedy romp by master of comedy Will Hay, who is on an ocean liner headed for the U.S. with Kidnappers.
Directed by: Marcel Varnel
Written by: Marriott Edgar, Val Guest, J.O.C. Orton and Jack Swain.
The Actors: Will Hay Doctor Benjamin Twist, Edgar Kennedy Bugs Leary, David Burns Tony Ricardo, Edmon Ryan Ace Marco, Fred Duprez Cyrus Schultz, Paddy Reynolds Mrs. Schultz, Tommy Bupp Bertie Schultz, Arthur Goullet Henry 'Gloves' Johnson, Gibb McLaughlin ships steward, Charlie Hall Leary's pal, Eddie Pola broadcast announcer, Christopher Cozier bit part, Peter Gawthorne the Captain, Danny Green McGuire, cop, Hugh McDermott man on telephone, Roddy McDowall little kid on the dock, Percy Parsons henchman.
Runtime: 1h 20m
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