Fame is the Spur
Released on September 23, 1947: A young, brash liberal politician from the poor streets of Manchester becomes a Member of Parliament and changes his thoughts on the right way to legislate as he grows older.
Directed by: Roy Boulting
Written by: Howard Spring with screenplay by Nigel Balchin
The Actors: Michael Redgrave Hamer Radshaw, Rosamund John Ann Radshaw, Bernard Miles Tom Hannaway, Carla Lehmann Lady Lettice Lastwithiel, Hugh Burden Arnold Ryerson, Marjorie Fielding Aunt Lizzie, Seymour Hicks Old Buck, Tony Wager Hamer Radshaw as a boy, Brian Weske Arnold Ryerson as a boy, Gerald Fox Tom Hannaway as a boy, Jean Shepeard Mrs. Radshaw, Guy Verney grandpa, Percy Walsh Suddaby, David Tomlinson Lord Liskeard, Charles Wood Dai, Milton Rosmer Magistrate Clark, Wylie Watson Pendleton, Radshaw's gentleman's gentleman, Ronald Adam Radshaw's doctor, Honor Blackman Emma, Clifford Buckton gamekeeper, Campbell Cotts meeting chairman, Maurice Denham second prison doctor, Kenneth Griffith wartime miners' representative, Roddy Hughes wartime miners' spokesman, Vi Kaley old woman in election crowd, Laurence Kitchin Radshaw's secretary, Philip Ray doctor, Gerald Sim reporter, Harry Terry man in election crowd, Iris Vandeleur woman who opens the front door, H. Victor Weske wartime miners' representative, Ben Williams reporter
Runtime: 1h 56m
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