Tudor Rose
Released on April 1, 1936: Lady Jane Grey, a teenage girl from the England countryside becomes Queen of England for nine days.
Directed by: Robert Stevenson
Written by: Robert Stevenson and Miles Malleson
The Actors: Cedric Hardwicke Earl of Warwick, John Mills Lord Guilford Dudley, Felix Aylmer Edward Seymour, Gwen Ffrangcon Davies Mary Tudor, Leslie Perrins Thomas Seymour, Frank Cellier Henry VIII, Desmond Tester Edward VI, Martita Hunt Jane's mother, Miles Malleson Jane's father, Sybil Thorndike Ellen, Nova Pilbeam Lady Jane Grey, Peter Croft confidant of Thomas Seymour, Albert Davies Barnaby Fitzpatrick, Shaun Desmond unknown, Edward Dignon unknown, Roy Emerton Squire, C.V. France clergyman at execution, Arthur Goullet Sir John Gates, Henry Hallett unknown, John Laurie John Knox, Eugene Leahy unknown, Fewlass Llewellyn unknown, Cicely Paget-Bowman courtier, John Singer young boy, John Turnbull Arundel
Runtime: 1h 18m
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