
Released on September 22, 1960: Tom watches an old flame fall to her death from the old lighthouse, refusing to reach out and pull her to safety. Now the girl's ghost returns to torment Tom as he prepares to get married.

Directed by: Bert I. Gordon

Written by: Bert I. Gordon  and George Worthing Yates.

The Actors: Richard Carlson Tom Stewart, Susan Gordon Sandy Hubbard, Lugene Sanders Meg Hubbard, Juli Reding Vi Mason, Joe Turkel Nick, blackmailer, Lillian Adams Mrs. Ellis, Gene Roth Mr. Nelson, lunch stand man, Vera Marshe Mrs. Hubbard, Harry Fleer Frank Hubbard, Merritt Stone clergyman, George Stanley unknown, Dick Walsh unknown, Leslie Thomas unknown, Paul Frees unknown.

Runtime: 1h 16m

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