The Way Ahead
Released on June 3, 1944: A group of inept British Army conscripts is trained to become a potent fighting force by the capable Lieutenant Perry.
Directed by: Carol Reed
Written by: Eric Ambler and Peter Ustinov.
The Actors: Jessie Matthews Diana Castle, Michael Redgrave Nicky Brooke, Noel Madison Gibson, Alastair Sim Max Tolliver, Margaret Vyner Lady Constance Westaker, Mary Clare Lady Emily Westaker, Francis L. Sullivan madman opera singer, Enid Stamp-Taylor Winnie, model agency receptionist, Torin Thatcher Jim Castle, Tucker McGuire Patsey, Basil Radford Reggie Baird, Athole Stewart Uncle Jerry, Kathleen Byron model on sofa after pie fight, Leo de Pokorny guide, Fred Groves doorman, Philip Leaver Swiss hotel clerk, Gordon McLeod editor, Percy Parsons lumber camp foreman, Charles Paton hairdresser, Leslie Phillips unknown, Frederick Piper official in asylum car, Terry-Thomas voice of a cow, Jack Vyvian man on ship with magazine, Elsie Wagstaff the Westacres maid
Runtime: 1h 55m
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