The Dark Mirror
Released on October 18, 1946: A man is murdered by a woman who has an identical twin sister, and neither can be charged because no one can tell them apart.
Directed by: Robert Siodmak
Written by: Vladimir Pozner with screenplay by Nunnally Johnson
The Actors: Olivia de Havilland Theresa Terry Collins and Ruth Collins, Lew Ayres Doctor Scott Elliott, Thomas Mitchell Police Lieutenant Stevenson, Richard Long Rusty, Charles Evans District Attorney Girard, Garry Owen Sergeant Franklin, Lela Bliss Mrs. Didriksen, Lester Allen George Benson, Jean Andren District Attorney's secretary, Rodney Bell police fingerprint man, Lane Chandler hospital intern, Jack Cheatham policeman, Ben Erway Police Lieutenant, Bess Flowers nightclub patron, Jack Gargan waiter, William Halligan Police Sergeant Temple
Runtime: 1h 25m
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