The Battle of El Alamein

Released on January 23, 1969: Field Marshal Rommel orders Italian troops to battle bravely to their death on a suicide mission while the Germans retreat to safety during the second battle of El Alamein in North Africa.

Directed by: Giorgio Ferroni

Written by: Remigio Del Grosso and Ernesto Gastaldi

The Actors: Frederick Stafford Lieutenant Giorgio Borri, George Hilton Lieutenant Graham, Michael Rennie General Bernard Law Montgomery, Marco Guglielmi Captain Hubert, Ettore Manni Italian Captain, Gerard Herter General Schwartz, Robert Hossein Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, Giuseppe Addobbati General Gorg Stumme, Ira von Furstenberg Marta, Salvatore Borghese Kapow, Enrico Maria Salerno Sergeant Major Claudio Borri, Manlio Busoni unknown, Giuseppe Castellano truck driver, Mario Chiocchio unknown, Massimo Righi Italian soldier, Giulio Donnini unknown, Andrea Fantasia Rommel's doctor, Massimo Farinelli unknown, Tom Felleghy General Ritter von Thoma, Luigi Gatti unknown, Gualtiero Isnenghi unknown, Luciano Catenacci Sergeant O'Hara, Walter Maddigan unknown, James M. Mischeler unknown, Renato Montalbano unknown, Piero Palermini unknown, Nello Pazzafini Italian Sergeant, Renato Romano General Clifton, Adalberto Rossetti unknown, Luigi Scavran unknown, Edoardo Toniolo unknown, Maria von Etzdorf unknown, Ugo Adinolfi unknown

Runtime: 1h 49m

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