Song of Freedom

Released on August 17, 1936: Paul Robeson is a worker on the docks of London with a song in his heart that takes him back to the small island of his ancestors.

Directed by: J. Elder Wills

Written by: Claude Wallace, Dorothy Holloway, Ingram D'Abbes, Fenn Sherie, Philip Lindsay  and Michael Barringer.

The Actors: Paul Robeson Johnny Zinga, Elisabeth Welch Ruth Zinga, Esme Percy Gabriel Donozetti, Robert Adams Monty, James Solomon native leader, Ecce Homo Toto mandingo, Ronald Simpson Mr. Blane, pianist, George Mozart Bert Puddick, Jenny Dean Marian, John Fred Emney Nell Puddick, Bernard Ansell Sir James Pyrie, Johnny Schofield unknown, Ambrose Manning trader, Arthur Elliott unknown, Cornelia Smith Queen Zinga, Sydney Benson gate keeper, Alf Goddard Alf the bartender, Will Hammer potman, Arthur Williams Endobo, the witch doctor.

Runtime: 1h 20m

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