Santa F Marshal

Released on January 26, 1940: Santa F Marshal Hopalong Cassidy goes undercover as a traveling medicine show mind reader to discover who the ringleader of a small town band of outlaws is.

Directed by: Lesley Selander

Written by: Harrison Jacobs from characters created by Clarence E. Mulford

The Actors: William Boyd Hopalong Cassidy, Russell Hayden Lucky Jenkins, Marjorie Rambeau Ma Burton, Bernadene Hayes Paula Tate, Earle Hodgins Doc Rufus Tate, Britt Wood Axel, Kenneth Harlan Blake, William Pagan Flint, George Anderson Tex Barnes, Jack Rockwell John Gardner, Eddie Dean Marshal Thorpe, Horace B. Carpenter Sam, Jim Corey townsman, Rube Dalroy medicine show spectator, Frank Ellis medicine show spectator, Duke Green brawler and member of Tex's gang, Billy Jones member of Tex's gang, Merrill McCormick card player, Mathew McCue medicine show spectator, Robert McKenzie townsman, Jack Montgomery medicine show spectator

Runtime: 1h 8m

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