Red River Valley
Released on December 12, 1941: Singing cowboy Roy Rogers gets put in jail for kidnapping the Sheriff and his daughter, while the bad guys convince the town to give away their rights to the water behind the new dam.
Directed by: Joseph Kane
Written by: Malcolm Stuart Boylan
The Actors: Roy Rogers Roy Rogers, George 'Gabby' Hayes Gabby Whittaker, Sally Payne Sally Whittaker, Trevor Bardette Allison, Gale Storm Kay Sutherland, Robert Homans Sheriff Sutherland, Hal Taliaferro Murdock, Lynton Brent Feld, Sons of the Pioneers musicians, Chuck Baldra townsman, Hank Bell Hank, Pat Brady Pat Brady, member of the Sons of the Pioneers, Bob Nolan cowhand, leader of the Sons of the Pioneers, Bob Burns townsman, Fred Burns cattle rancher, Hugh Farr Hugh, member of the Sons of the Pioneers, Karl Farr Karl, member of the Sons of the Pioneers, Jerry Jerome casino henchman, Jack Kirk sheep rancher, Ted Mapes henchman, Monte Montague mechanic, Jack O'Shea helpful passerby, Edward Peil Sr. cattle rancher, Lloyd Perryman Lloyd, member of the Sons of the Pioneers, Jack Rockwell unknown, Tim Spencer Tim, member of the Sons of the Pioneers, Dick Wessel man delivering lumber
Runtime: 1h 2m
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